About Me

Hi Guys. Thanks for visiting Klem’s Corals. Ive been in the reefing hobby for 10plus years, and Ive been down almost every tuff reefing road theres ever been it seems like. I even had a major tank crash, back in the day, that that rocked me to my core and made me consider leaving the hobby. But, alas, growing coral is my passion and so Ive chalked up my failures to lessons learned. Now I have a decent coral collection that Im very proud of!

This collection didn’t come easy, however. I started out with leather corals, like everyone new to the hobby, but that didn’t last long. I almost immediately set my sights on SPS coral and the challenges they brought. But my reefing skills weren’t developed and any misstep was a huge crisis that always seemed to lead to parameter swings. Eventually, at the time, I believed that only “certain” corals world live in my tank.  This belief was an expensive endeavor because Id buy corals, most would die, and a few would live. But I refused to give up on my SPS coral passion – I knew I could do it! My persistence gradually lead to success growing SPS coral as I seemed to relax when new problems would arise and I honed my water keeping skills. Now-a-days, I’m very very proud of my tanks and I can grow anything. I now sell the hardy, healthy, corals Ive raised for years to friends and people like you!

So, with all that being said, this is just my little coral shop. Almost every coral I have is tank raised. I dont use wholesalers or middlemen, so you can rest assured that these corals are captive bread right from my collection. Im sure you’ll be satisfied with your coral purchases! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Happy Reefing! -Erick (aka- Klem)

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